Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tips for Survival!

People tend to be conscious over myths, stories and beliefs!

Are you afraid of monsters?

Don't judge a monster by it's fur!
They might just happen to be your friend!

There's nothing to be scared of monsters!

Okay, lets talk about closet monsters. Which monster would be so creative to be hiding inside your closet just to scare you off? Who knows if it's there to keep you happy? In the first place, how would the monster even get into your closet!

Would a monster just drop off from from a spaceship, sneak into your house, go up to where the bedrooms are, and then sneak into your bedroom, quietly hide inside the closet and wait for you to open the closet for a surprise?

Maybe its just a friend to make sure you're happy after all. So instead of being scared of what's inside your closet, just think if it as if there's a cuddly friend in your closet to keep you and your clothes safe all night!

Okay, next, we'll talk about zombies! Zombies are practically almost useless! Hahah!

Most of the time we see zombies with either their jaws ripped-off, no hands, no legs or maybe all of these at once? So, why scared? Because they lack certain parts which makes them look like a clown?

Ladies, most of you carry a such big piece of store-room which could fit a head inside, with you almost everywhere! So just throw your handbags towards the zombies feet and let the magic begin!

The zombies will just trip over your bags and break some of it's body-parts, lie down on the floor and try to reach you with it's paralyzed and broken body. 

A zombie is so blind and brainless that it would never give a crap on what's on the ground besides brains and fresh meat!

As for men! Men are born to do wonders!

Just shoot some saliva into the zombie's eyes and blind them!

They will be so busy trying to wipe the holy water off their eyes, that they will trip over rocks and break some stuff!

So just enjoy the show and laugh at them while they are scattered all around the area!

Okay, next, we'll move on to talk about the 'flying smokey jokers'! Ladies are gifted with screaming abilities, so they most definitely should not be afraid of ghosts at all! 

If you notice a pest trying to joke around with you, just play along, believe in yourself! You are born with a gift!

Just get them before they get you! Wait for the right moment and take them by surprise! Use the scream attack!

The scream attack's power must never be underestimated! 

It could just shake the whole world upside-down! 

The vibration of the sound-wave could cause a devastating earthquake.

It could destroy habitats.

Definitely breaks glasses.

And drive 'Chicken Little' CRAZY!

A woman's scream could frighten a ghost causing a big heart-attack, bursting it's heart and kills the ghost.

So, there's actually nothing to be scared of! Every problem has a solution! So, live life happily! 


Thursday, January 27, 2011


Do you enjoy doing your chores?

Have you ever got tired of doing your chores?

If you have, then I have a SOLUTION for you! You will have the best time of your life by enjoying your chores!

Life is about having fun and being happy!

 Have you ever wondered how would it be like to be enjoying your chores?

I hereby present you the 'Royal Trophaeum Elixir'!

Interested? Who wouldn't be?!

It is one of the best and leading inventions ever created! It gives you temporary superpowers, it keeps you happy and also raises the morale of the consumer! How great is that!! 

It is created by Professor Balthazar, an E.PhD holder in the field of Extreme Medicine studies.
 (E.PhD stands for Extreme PhD). 

The elixir is made of several rare ingredients which are:

The Romanian Midnight Dragon's blood.

Fun fact: The Romanian Midnight Dragon can only be found during midnight around 12a.m. to 1a.m on a night with a full moon. 

The leaves of the 'Ancient Tree of Maga' or also know as 'A.T.O.M.'

Fun fact: The Ancient Tree of Maga can only be found on top of the Great Mountain of Noideawhereisit. The top of the mountain has a freezing temperature of -55 degrees celcius, it is the steepest mountain ever discovered, and it is surrounded by a sea of lava.

The rare cuboid egg shells of the albino platypus.

Fun fact: The albino platypus only lays 1 cuboid egg in every 5 years.

The elixir needs to be fermented for 3 years and can only be produced in a specific climate which can only be found around the 'White Sea'. 
Location of the 'White Sea'.

Professor Balthazar has a base built on a small island somewhere around the White Sea. The coordinates of the base are highly classified information and therefore kept as private and confidential.

So, what can you do with the power of the elixir? 2 WORDS! HAVE FUN! You will be able to have endless fun, fun and more fun! HOW FUN IS THAT! With superpowers, you will be able to do almost anything!

You can choose to morph into your favorite super-villain, set your mop in flames and smash the ground with an extreme heat-blast which will cleanse the entire ground within the range of the heat.

This picture shows a bacteria being affected by the heat-blast. (Seen through the microscope.)

This picture shows a bacteria killed by the heat-blast. (Seen through the microscope.)

You can also learn to control the element of water with the help of the elixir.

You can use this power to shoot water-bombs to clean stuff!

An example is to place your dirty dishes such as plates onto a target dummy. Have fun cleaning your dishes and also playing with water with superpowers!

Ever tried playing soap hockey? Soap the floor with lots and lots of floor detergent and have fun playing hockey with your scrubbing broom as the hockey stick and the hand-brush as the puck. 

Your tools to play 'Soap Hockey'!

Guess what? You kill 3 birds with 1 stone with 'Soap Hockey'! 

1. You brush the floor with your scrubbing broom.
2. When you hit your hand-brush off, its works as a long-range cleaning technique.
3. You have fun cleaning and playing!

There are many more ways to have fun with the powers. It is up to you and your creativity. So, have fun, and I mean lots and lots of FUN! Enjoy yourselves and be happy! 

NOTE: No platypuses and dragons were harmed in the production of the 'Royal Trophaeum Elixir'. Scientists actually waited for the cuboid eggs to hatch, and that is when they only take the shells to produce the elixir. Scientists only procure the dragon's blood upon the consent of the dragon.

Proof of a hatched platypus from the cuboid egg.

Proof of a document showing the dragon's consent to donate it's blood for the production of the elixir.


So, have fun!
Enjoy your chores!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Aglet!

Do you know what's an 'Aglet'? The aglet is the plastic/metal tip at the end of the shoelace. It is one of the most useful inventions and it can be seen almost anywhere, but hardly anyone is aware that it is called the aglet!

The Aglet! 

The Aglet!

So what is the aglet for?

It makes it easier to tie your shoelaces.


To punish prisoners and convicted labours and to torture them in a cruel, extreme and despicable manner.

Do not believe this myth! It is said that the aglet was created by a man called Colonel Sandals from a group called the KFC which stands for the 'Kentucky Fried Cobblers'.

Colonel Sandals
'Chairman of the Kentucky Fried Cobblers'

It is said they were fried by a group of cannibals while looking for materials in the 'Lost Jungle of Stuffs' for their shoe production and were tortured viciously.

They managed to escape, and from that day onwards, they decided to make the world a better place to live and also to enhance life. So they created the aglet and made it convinient for everyone to tie their shoelaces.

Do you know what's an Igor?

This is an Igor. Meet Igor!

Igor: Hi..

So what's an Igor? I have a friend named Igor, but that's not the point and also not the Igor that I'm talking about. Igor is an evil scientist's assistant. Hahah, well,  most Igors are hunchbacks, so they're quite easy to identify. 

Dr Drakawalagar : IGORRRR!!!

Igor : Yessss... Master?

Dr Drakawalagar : Pull the 'Lever of Ridiculornator' to bring my creation to LIFE!!! Muahahahah!!

Igor : Yes.. Master...

Igor : Here goes...

Okayy, that's about it, the point here is to talk about Igors. Heheh.

Welcome To My World!

So... Bask in its glory! Behold!!!!!!! The wonderful world of MINE!!!! 
*Laughs Out Loud!*