Monday, April 2, 2012

Funny Gym Moments

I started going to the gym to bulk up recently and there had been a number of hilarious events that happened.

The kicking bag event.

I was taking a short break and I saw this guy trying to kick the kicking bag real hard.

He was kicking that thing as hard as he could.

Until one moment when he was trying to attempt another kick..

He SLIPPED and fell on his butt!

I turned away after I saw him fell and I couldn't stop laughing while walking away!

The LOUD bench press!

I was working on my incline bench press and the weights were quite heavy for me, so I had to really push to lift those dumbbells!

While I was trying to push really hard on top, I accidentally pushed some gas out from the bottom as well! It was really embarrassing and an old man was standing beside me at that time!
So, to save my pride, I came up with a brilliant idea of blaming the bench! I decided to put my dumbbells down and pretended to arrange my seat and rub the seat to make it look as if I was testing the bench if it would squeak and make embarrassing noises.

And so, I resumed my next set after that.

I was like "Oh sweet mother of farts! Oh god... Why..."
This time I just took the towel and covered my face! I couldn't hold it in anymore as I had to laugh because that old man had to breathe my fart for another time!

I went home and told my mum about what happened in the gym and she couldn't stop laughing because I'm well known for purposely releasing wild farts at home and when I didn't want it to happen, it happened in public which involved innocent victims!